not to know which way to turn

not to know which way to turn
не знать, что делать, растеряться, быть в затруднительном положении

Debts there were on every hand. They haunted him, robbed him of his sleep. He himself scarcely knew which way to turn. (Th. Dreiser, ‘Twelve Men’, ‘De Maupassant, Junior’) — Долгов не оберешься. Кредиторы преследуют его, не дают ему покоя ни днем ни ночью. Они совершенно не знает, что предпринять.

I don't know what'll become of me now, Miss Royster. I don't know what to do. I don't know which way to turn. I'm at my wit's end. (E. Caldwell, ‘Jenny by Nature’, ch. XIV) — Не знаю, что со мной станет, мисс Ройстер. Не знаю, что мне делать. Не знаю, куда податься. Совсем зашел в тупик.

Большой англо-русский фразеологический словарь. - М.: «Русский язык-Медиа».. 2006.

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Смотреть что такое "not to know which way to turn" в других словарях:

  • not know which way to turn — or[not know which way to jump] {v. phr} To be puzzled about getting out of a difficulty; not know what to do to get out of trouble. * /When Jane missed the last bus home, she didn t know which way to turn./ * /After Mr. Brown died, Mrs. Brown had …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • not know which way to turn — or[not know which way to jump] {v. phr} To be puzzled about getting out of a difficulty; not know what to do to get out of trouble. * /When Jane missed the last bus home, she didn t know which way to turn./ * /After Mr. Brown died, Mrs. Brown had …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • not\ know\ which\ way\ to\ turn — • not know which way to turn • not know which way to jump v. phr To be puzzled about getting out of a difficulty; not know what to do to get out of trouble. When Jane missed the last bus home, she didn t know which way to turn. After Mr. Brown… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • not know which way to turn — (not) know which way to turn to not know what to do or who to ask for help in a difficult situation. I had no home, no money, and I didn t know which way to turn …   New idioms dictionary

  • know which way to turn — (not) know which way to turn to not know what to do or who to ask for help in a difficult situation. I had no home, no money, and I didn t know which way to turn …   New idioms dictionary

  • know which way to turn — See: NOT KNOW WHICH WAY TO TURN …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • know which way to turn — See: NOT KNOW WHICH WAY TO TURN …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • know\ which\ way\ to\ turn — See: not know which way to turn …   Словарь американских идиом

  • not know which way to turn — not know where/which way/to turn phrase to not know what to do in a difficult situation The changes have left a lot of people not knowing which way to turn. Thesaurus: to be in, or to get into a difficult situationsynonym Main entry …   Useful english dictionary

  • not know which way to turn — to not know what to do. The uncertainty has left many companies not knowing which way to turn …   New idioms dictionary

  • not\ know\ which\ way\ to\ jump — • not know which way to turn • not know which way to jump v. phr To be puzzled about getting out of a difficulty; not know what to do to get out of trouble. When Jane missed the last bus home, she didn t know which way to turn. After Mr. Brown… …   Словарь американских идиом

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